
Life Processes

M ovement all living things must move . Living things move to get nutrients and to keep away from danger . Plants move their leaves towards the sun to make more nutrients and animals move to collect it. When the bicep moves the triceps relaxes causing the arm to move. Calcium helps keep your bones strong helping you move. If you couldn't move wouldn't be able to keep yourself away from danger or source food. R eproduction Without reproduction, kinds would die out . Reproduction is where to living organisms create one of their own species. Not just animals and humans reproduce plants too. Plants use pollen to make seeds and spread it all around. S ensitivity is an important life process. Without it, you wouldn't be able to keep yourself out of danger. Sensitivity is your touch, hearing, seeing, feeling, and smelling . Your nerves send a message to your brain and your brain reacts by making your body part move according to the danger. If there was a fire and